Are you hiding your light?

Are you hiding your light?

Do you struggle with self promotion?

Does it feel icky to share what you’re up to?

That you shouldn’t have to be political to get ahead?

That it should be enough to do good work and be rewarded for it?

It’s not just you.

I coach a lot around visibility, and voice, and how to show up and share what you’re up to without feeling icky - both within an organisation, or online.

When people bring this topic it can feel as though there are only two choices…

Are your 2024 goals gifts or burdens?

Are your 2024 goals gifts or burdens?

Ah January.

A time of setting out your intentions for the year ahead.

For thinking about what you want to be different this year.

For taking time to focus on where you want to spend your time and energy.

It’s a super useful thing to do - we have to dream before we can work out how to make it happen. It’s a gift to give ourselves the time to reflect before we get sucked into the year.

And yet, if we’re not careful we can set the wrong types of goals. Ones stuck in the language of ‘should’ and need’.

Who do you admire?

Who do you admire?

Who do you admire?

I love this question.

Both asking it and answering it.

It gives such insight.

I haven’t always loved it though.

In the past I found it really hard to answer. I couldn’t think of people I admired without my inner critic getting very noisy.

It told me that everyone I thought about was too far away from where I was - completely out of reach. I fell into compare and despair and couldn’t see why it was helpful.

What's been the story of your year?

What's been the story of your year?

“The Pause is the full stop that allows us to consider the next sentence of our lives”

I love this quote by Danielle North, and it feels especially relevant right now, as we head into the darkest nights and festive break, ahead of a New Year.

With this as inspiration, it’s become a tradition for my husband and I sit down with our family calendar at the end of December, to take a look back at the year and reflect on what’s happened.

Where did we go? What did we do? What were the big events and the little memories? We are always astonished at how much we have already forgotten about!

We give the year a theme or a title, and then look forward with a light touch - what will the coming year bring? What would we like it to be like?

Some years the process has been painful with loss, other times rich in learning, often we have marvelled at the sheer amount of change.

It always brings insight and a sense of grounding.