What makes you more productive?

What makes you more productive?

Clue - it’s not going to be the same as everyone else.

Or the person you want to be.

Or even the person you used to be.

And maybe it looks completely different to what you think it should be?

For so many years I told myself that I could rest after I’d done everything I needed to.

Rest was a reward after I had done all the things.

Once I’d ticked everything off the (never ending) to do list.

Like being allowed dessert only after you’ve eaten your greens.

I felt like I was following all the right rules.

We’re told to eat the frog, to tackle the hard things first, to reward ourselves once we’ve achieved.

But it didn’t work brilliantly for me - my brain or my body.

Over the years I have pushed myself to exhaustion more than once. It never ended well.

After learning my lesson over (and over) again, I’ve changed the way I approach productivity.

I now make sure I get fresh air and gentle movement of some kind before I start work. Having our dog really helps!

I build in space in between things - coaching sessions, tasks, anything really. I’m less productive when I rush between things or switch hats too fast.

I don’t do anything after 5pm. My brain simply doesn’t have the capacity. And no one wants to be coached by someone whose brain is tired!

It felt weird at first - surely I should be able to keep going for much longer?

It felt like cheating, or giving up, or like I just needed to try harder.

But over time I’ve realised it’s what works for me.

These things enable me to be more productive, not less.

They help me make the best use of my particular energy.

So, if you’re wondering how to be more productive, start getting super curious about you - not what others are doing.

Your body and your brain are uniquely yours.

You can create your own recipe for what works for you.

There’s no one size fits all.

What makes you more productive?

And how can you let yourself work in the way that works best for you?

Wishing you all a productive week,