Is it about doing less, or focusing more?

Does it feel like you have too many things to do?

An overwhelming to do list?

With not enough time in the day to get it done?

When we step into a larger space - in our work or life - it can feel as though there’s a lot more to do, all at once.

It can be hard to work out what we need to hold onto, and what we can let go of.

Especially if we’ve been praised and rewarded for being someone who gets a lot of stuff done.

It can be super tempting to stay busy being busy because it’s easy and familiar.

So, it really helps when we reframe it and use a different lens.

Instead of asking yourself: What can I stop doing?

Ask yourself a different question:

  • In this role / situation, what matters most?

  • What can only I do?

  • Where do I add the most value?

It can feel a lot better when we approach it from a different direction.

If we start with where our time and energy is best used, and then strip out the rest.

It’s easier to start with the big stuff than sort through the small stuff.

Wishing you all a week of focusing on what matters most,