This is one of my favourite post-it notes.
I remind myself of it - a lot!
I share it with others in coaching sessions - a lot!
It’s a multi-tasker, a practical life lesson in so many areas.
We can accumulate a lot in life - feedback, ideas, options, possessions, thoughts, activities, people, things that limit us, things that benefit us, and more.
There’s also a constant stream of new information, new learning, new opinions, new options or things that could be done.
It can be so tempting to keep accumulating, and try to create more and more space within us to process and hold onto it.
But we simply don’t have the time, the energy, or the capacity to try and retain it all, or act on it all.
We need to choose.
So if you’re feeling weighed down with anything, take a moment to reflect.
What would it be like to hold onto what’s useful, and let the rest go?
To be more of a sieve, and less of a sponge?
Wishing you all a week of taking what works, and releasing the rest,