I love this picture.
It represents the fun of being up high, the joy of early dog ownership, the beauty of seeing the landscape spread out down below.
It was taken on holiday in West Wales back in 2018. Freddie and I are at the top of Mwnt, while my husband and children are on the beach down below.
They were happy doing, and I was happy being and seeing them.
Seeing our lives from above like this can be both calming and grounding. Things really do look different, and feel different, when we look down on our lives rather than being in them.
It gives us a moment to pause, to see the bigger picture, to put things in context.
We can explore this idea in a visualisation - letting our imagination wander the landscape of our lives, the journey to now, the paths we have taken, and the ones we could do.
And we can also use it practically - sometimes it’s just really useful to zoom out on our situation! Especially if we’ve been focusing hard on the details - the here and now, what’s around us in the moment - it can open up our thinking to widen our lens.
Wondering why you’re feeling tired this particular week? Reflecting back on the context of the last few months, or the year to date, could help you see the bigger themes of what’s been draining your energy.
Wondering when you’ll be able to figure out your next step? Taking a helicopter view could show you a bigger timeline - how long you spent on one path, and why you might need more time to explore / take a few steps along many different paths before you settle on a new one.
Wondering if the changes you are making will ever reach a tipping point? Looking back at where you started and where you are now can help you appreciate the steps, and the progress.
So, if you are feeling stuck, or like things aren’t going in the right direction fast enough, try zooming out, or heading out to find a high point.
It can help you see things from a different perspective, and where you are in the context of your life - and hopefully give you a lovely view.
Wishing you all a week of a bigger picture view ✨