Is there something you need to declutter?

I love a good declutter.

I once explored making it a business because I love it so much.

I’m good with clothes, books, possessions, thoughts, my to-do list... and yet with words, that I or someone else have written, it’s harder.

So, that’s what I tackled most recently.

My study is full of notebooks for different things. Scraps of paper I’ve kept. Cards. Ideas. Thoughts. Quotes.

They are on shelves, and in drawers that I rarely open unless it’s to stuff something in - to sort later…

It’s so tempting to hold onto them all. I worry - what if there’s something really important in there that I’ll never think of again?

However…. I also know that I don’t need to keep absolutely everything.

That letting go of some of it will create the space for something different.

So I sat down, gathered books, emptied drawers, reviewed.

I sorted through, cleared out a lot, and kept the parts that still feel useful.

It felt fabulous :-)

I now know what I have, and what I’ve let go of. And where the gaps are.

Sometimes we need to let go of the old to create space for the new.

To take the learning from the past without reimmersing ourselves in it.

To trust that we’ll remember what we need to, or learn it again in a different way.

Is there something you need to declutter?

What would it be like to explore what you have, hold onto what’s most useful, and let go of the rest?

Wishing you all a week of useful decluttering,