Do you need to switch your focus?

In a yoga class recently, I realised that I couldn’t switch my quads on - “lift at the kneecaps” was something my brain simply couldn’t connect with my body to create.

In some ways it wasn’t a surprise. I’ve been intentionally focusing on other parts for the last few months - my core, my balance, my strength in different places.

All brilliant and needed at the time, and now I need to pay a little more attention to the parts I have forgotten about.

This can be true in our life as well as with our body. At certain points we can be focused on a particular part of it - our work, our health, our past, our future.

Maybe it’s a stage or a phase.

Maybe there’s an unexpected event.

Maybe we’re simply choosing to.

It works until it’s not quite right anymore.

When we realise the mix needs changing for where we are now.

That we need to pay attention to some other parts.

In that moment we get to rebalance our focus and redirect where we put our time and energy.

To work less on some parts, and more on others.

And the beauty is, it doesn’t need to be a massive change. Simply bringing something back into your focus can be all that’s needed. In the case of my quads at least!

Where’s your focus been?

And is it time to adjust the mix and redirect your attention?

Wishing you all a wonderful week,