What's your perfect solution?

A pink post it with bakc writing that reads "What's your perfect solution?"

Over lunch the other day my husband asked me this question and it was brilliant.

Because I couldn’t answer it.

I had been bemoaning the lack of a perfect solution in a few areas of my life - not big challenges, more small niggles that didn’t feel quite right.

I really had to stop and think.

And it turns out that was exactly what I needed to do :-)

It got me out of my loop of generalised dissatisfaction, and into creative problem solving.

I’m grateful.

  • For the way he listened as I identified the problem.

  • Then asked a question to shift me into a more creative mindset.

  • Then let me talk it out to find an answer.

He was a great coach :-)

It can be easy to:

  • Know that something isn’t quite right, without getting clear on what needs to change.

  • Get stuck in what’s not working, rather than think about what might.

  • Go around in circles in our mind, rather than take a step back and find a way forward.

It’s a gift to have someone to help you unravel the problem, shift into more creative energy, and find a solution.

Is there something in your life that feels like it’s not working?

And if you really thought about what a perfect solution could be, what might you discover?

Wishing you all a week of exploring possible solutions,