What's in your 'not getting done' list?

What's in your 'not getting done' list?

I love a good declutter - of clothes, books, anything really.

The feeling of sorting out and creating order is super satisfying.

So, imagine my joy at being able to do the same thing with people’s to do lists in a coaching session!

Specifically, the type of list of things that aren’t getting done.

The things that feel too big to tick off easily, so they lurk at the bottom, and often get carried over from week to week.

The things that you know you ‘should’ get to, but can’t seem to get into action on.

And the longer they lurk, the harder it feels to get started.

Who were you 12 years ago?

Who were you 12 years ago?

Who were you 12 years ago?

Where were you, and what were you doing?

What was your life like?

So much can change in our life over time.

Our circumstances, our surroundings, the people in our world, what we want, what works for us, how we like to spend our time and energy, what and who we value and appreciate - all can change.

You are not the same person you were 12 years ago, 7 years ago, 1 year ago - even last month or last week.

And neither are the people around you.

And yet it’s so easy to miss the changes. Unless we stop, take stock, notice and appreciate them.

“How do they prefer to communicate?”

“How do they prefer to communicate?”

I’ve done a lot of coaching sessions recently around communication.

How do we understand what someone else is saying?

How do we make ourselves understood?

There can be a lot of emotion when it feels like it isn’t working - frustration, anger, disappointment, bitterness...

Both people are trying their best. But often the conversation doesn’t bring out the best in either of them.

“How do they prefer to communicate?” is a great question to move past the challenge and find a way forward.